Wisdom's Totem
A Collection of Poems | Thoughts | Sayings

Our Welcome Share
Welcome, here you will find shares of wisdom, but to gain the maximum amount of experience from them, it helps to be apart of God’s kingdom. This is achieved by allowing ones self to be liberated to the care of Father God, the Great Spirit. Christians see the Great Spirit, Father God, through the person of Jesus the Christ, the Son of God.
I, like so many other Nanticoke Indians, have found that by relinquishing control of our lives to Him, life is found. Life that’s full of joy, love and peace, and a wisdom to understand mysteries that could otherwise never been had, is obtained. One of those mysteries is a promise of life without end…
Somehow you’re here reading this Welcome Share. How be it, QR code or site navigating, you're here and we are hoping you gain much from these shares.
Prayer Of The Eagle’s Flight
Oh Great Spirit.
Hear me... my cry... my heart...
My flight is yours...
I relinquish my destiny...
My flight is yours...
I rest in your way...
Forever to trust...
Alone with you in the mist of everything
Are majestic quests that absorbs life's moments...
When life seems flat your added conjecture
Reveals love’s essence like sweet revival.
Body, soul & spirit
Touched, Imagined & Experienced...
Revive... Revive... Revive...
Enjoy a relaxing moment as you begin your journey through meditations of wisdom.
Hunter's Travel
The efforts of your heart
With no burdens
On your back
Is the leading from the cross
A moment of strong peace
With infused drive
Measures up the discipline
Needed to reach
The inner wisdom of God.